National Talk Like a Pirate Day Be on the Horizon! Take Care of Yer Oral Health!

September 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilesracine @ 1:04 pm
Children dressed like pirates to celebrate National Talk Like a Pirate Day

Pirates were the scourge of the seven seas during their golden era at the end of the 17th century. As infamous as they were for their brutality and their massive ships full of loot, they are equally known for their poor oral health. On this National Talk Like a Pirate Day, bring your crew and take care of your teeth. You can talk like a pirate and not have a smile like them.

Continue reading to learn some oral hygiene tips and pirate dentistry facts!

Pirates Often Suffered from Scurvy

One of the most well-known afflictions among pirates was scurvy. This was caused by a deficiency of vitamin C. Pirates went for months at sea with limited access to fresh fruits and vegetables, so it’s no wonder they often came down with the disease.

Scurvy leads to a range of symptoms including bleeding gums and tooth loss. As you talk like a pirate, perhaps you should also feast on some white potatoes or red bell peppers. Both of these foods are high in vitamin C and won’t ruin your teeth.

The Toothbrush Wasn’t Invented Yet

In the 17th century, pirates didn’t have the luxury of modern toothbrushes. Instead, they had to rely on much more rudimentary tools for their oral hygiene like twigs and fingernails.

To avoid having a pirate’s smile, consider your dental health and be grateful for the convenience of your toothbrush. Make sure you brush your teeth twice a day and keep those pearly whites in shipshape.

There Were No Dentists Aboard Pirate Ships

When the need for dental care arose, pirates had no dentists aboard their ships. They often resorted to desperate measures when faced with toothaches or dental issues. Aboard a pirate vessel, the best way to cure most ailments was to have the tooth extracted by any means possible.

Take the opportunity to schedule a visit to your friendly neighborhood dentist and tell them how thankful you are for their services. Regular check-ups and professional dental care are the keys to a healthy grin.

On National Talk Like a Pirate Day, don your pirate attire and embrace the spirit of the high seas, but also take a moment to reflect on the importance of good oral health. Ye’ don’t have to suffer from the same dental troubles as those swashbucklers of old. With modern dentistry and a bit of dental hygiene, ye’ can enjoy a hearty smile and a yo-ho-ho kind of day!

About the Author

At Sweet Smiles Family Dentistry, Dr. Zahir Siddiqui and Dr. Sumit Chanana make your oral health their priority. With the latest dental technology and a team of professional support staff behind them, your experience at their office will be easy and convenient. Their personalized treatment plans will help you reach your smile goals one step at a time. To schedule an appointment, call (262) 672-2393 or visit the website to learn more.

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