What Do Different Types of Tooth Pain Mean?

November 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilesracine @ 11:59 pm
Woman shows teeth

Toothaches range in severity from a negligible annoyance to miserable agony. Different toothaches can be caused by different things, and while some can be addressed with proper oral care, others require a dentist’s attention to be remedied. Knowing the differences among the different types of toothache can help you know how to treat one. Here’s a brief guide to the different types of toothache and how you can recognize them.

Minor Injuries Can Make a Dull and Lingering Ache

This is the most common type of tooth pain encountered, and its causes can often be easily remedied. It can be caused by something being stuck between the teeth or lodged in the gums or even by teeth grinding. If the problem is caused by stubborn debris, it can usually be resolved by a thorough brushing and flossing session, but someone who grinds their teeth at night may need to get in the habit of wearing a mouthguard to bed.

However, in some cases, a dull and lingering ache can be caused by an abscessed tooth. This sort of infection requires immediate attention from a dentist to be prevented from spreading and causing more damage.

If Your Teeth Feel Tingly, It Might Be Dental Sensitivity

If you experience a sharp discomfort when your teeth are exposed to a sudden change in temperature, the matter may be due to the teeth’s enamel layer being worn down. If a tooth’s enamel layer is thinner, it has less insulation from heat and coldness. If the issue persists, you might want to consider switching to a toothpaste formulated specifically for sensitive teeth or abstaining from hot or cold foods or drinks for a few days to see if the problem disappears.

See a Dentist Immediately for Sharp, Throbbing Pain

Tooth decay begins as a cavity when harmful oral bacteria begin to eat their way through the enamel. Cavities do not get better on their own, and if allowed to progress, they will eventually bore through the enamel and dentin layers to infect the pulp within the tooth. When this happens, the patient will notice a sharp, throbbing sensation coming from the infected tooth. An untreated toothache can spread to other teeth or lead to dangerous secondary infections like sepsis, so it’s crucial to see a dentist immediately if you experience this sort of pain.

Toothaches are never fun, but knowing how to distinguish between the different types can help you get the care you need sooner. By taking care of your teeth, you can keep your smile safe and beautiful for years to come.

About the Practice

Sweet Smiles Family Dentistry delivers the best dental care available to patients of all ages in Mt. Pleasant, WI. Led by Drs. Zahir Siddiqui and Sumit Chanana, the staff ensures every case is treated with personalized and comprehensive care. Areas of expertise include general, cosmetic, restorative, and emergency dentistry. If you are experiencing a severe toothache, dial (262) 672-2393 or contact the office online to schedule an appointment.

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