How Long? 5 Factors That Will Determine the Lifespan of Your Dental Crown

March 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilesracine @ 3:51 pm
woman smiling in the dental chair after getting her dental crown

As the dentist finishes putting your new crown on, you admire how it looks in your smile. You want this confident feeling and your crown to last as long as possible. Usually, dental crowns can go for about 10 to 15 years before needing replacement, but this timeframe will depend on several factors. Below are the things you need to consider when determining how long your dental crown will last.

Your At-Home Oral Hygiene

Although the crown itself cannot decay or become infected, the tooth underneath it and the gum tissue surrounding it can. If the tooth develops a cavity, for instance, the crown will need to come off and be replaced after further treatment. As a result, it’s important to keep your crown clean from plaque. Daily, you must brush and floss your teeth, especially around the base of the crown, to prevent plaque buildup, cavities, and gum disease.

For additional reinforcement, you could also consider using a fluoride and antibacterial mouthwash as part of your hygiene routine.

Your Attendance to Dental Appointments

At least every six months, you should be visiting your dentist for a routine checkup and cleaning. This appointment is essential to your dental crown’s lifespan because your dentist can identify early signs of trouble and address it before it develops into a full-blown problem. Plus, the professional cleaning is much more thorough than what you can accomplish at home, leaving you with a sparkly, radiant smile.

Your Sugar Intake

Although sugar isn’t the only source of dental issues, it does play a significant role in fueling harmful bacteria in the mouth. If you eat and drink substantial amounts of sugar each day, you encourage their growth, increasing your risk of a cavity to the tooth under your crown. By limiting your sugar consumption, you can keep decay to a minimum and extend your crown’s lifespan.

Your Dental Protection

In addition to bacteria, a dental injury could put your crown at risk. If you engage in contact sports like football, rugby, hockey, or basketball, you should have a mouthguard in to protect your teeth and crown from getting hit. The mouthguard can absorb a blow to the face, preventing the crown and tooth from becoming loose or coming off completely.

If you make smart decisions about your oral care, you should be able to enjoy your new crown for the maximum amount of time. That way, you can keep admiring your dental crown for years and years to come.

About the Practice

Sweet Smiles Family Dentistry is proud to have two highly trained dentists on staff. Dr. Zahir Siddiqui and Dr. Sumit Chanana encourage patients to prevent problems rather than treat them after damage has already been done. However, they offer restorations when necessary, making smiles whole and brilliant again. If you have questions about dental crowns, contact the dental office near Brookfield online or call 262-672-2393.

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