Sedation Dentistry – Mt. Pleasant, WI

Taking the Stress Out of Dental Appointments

It’s no secret that going to the dentist isn’t exactly most people’s favorite activity. However, some people suffer from such severe dental anxiety that the mere idea of scheduling an appointment fills them with dread. What if we told you there were a way to make dental visits comfortable and even relaxing? With sedation dentistry, there is! Our talented dentists here at Sweet Smiles Family Dentistry are proud to offer safe, effective sedation as a way of taking the stress out of dental appointments. To learn more, please don’t be afraid to give us a call!

Why Choose Sweet Smiles Family Dentistry for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Most Dental Treatments Completed Under One Roof
  • Fair Prices with Zero Hidden Fees
  • Dental Team Members Who Speak Spanish

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Also known as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide is an odorless, tasteless, and colorless gas that we administer through a small mask that we place over your nose. After just moments of inhaling it, you’ll feel relaxed and lighter all over, making it easier for us to complete your treatment. We’ll closely monitor your vitals so that we can adjust the dosage of the sedative at any time if need be. Once we remove the mask, the effects should immediately begin to wear off. Continue reading to learn more about nitrous oxide and how it works!

Who Is a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide?

Sedation dentistry is an excellent option for those who feel uncomfortable when visiting the dental office. Nitrous oxide sedation is usually recommended for patients who have:

  • Dental anxiety
  • A fear of needles
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Difficulty sitting still
  • Resistance to local anesthetics

How Does Nitrous Oxide Work?

Before beginning your treatment, we will administer nitrous oxide through a small mask that will be placed over your nose. All you have to do is breathe like you normally do. We will adjust the flow of oxygen and nitrous oxide gas, which is clear and odorless. After a few minutes, you will feel more relaxed and comfortable in the dental chair.

Once the effects of the nitrous oxide kick in, we will start your treatment. Once we are done, we will remove the mask and turn off the flow of gas. The effects should quickly fade away and you should feel like your normal self again within minutes.

Aftercare for Nitrous Oxide

The aftereffects of nitrous oxide don’t linger, so you only need to stay at the practice for a few minutes until you feel normal again. You can even drive yourself home afterward. Most patients are able to continue with their regular work routine and other obligations. Be sure to closely follow any instructions provided to you by your dentist for the treatment you underwent.